Interesting and rare facts about Saturn

Nitish Kumar
3 min readDec 18, 2020


Saturn has rings around the planet, which makes it different from other planets. This is the most beautiful planet in the solar system, if we talk about the distance from the Sun, then it comes in sixth place and Saturn is the second-largest planet after Jupiter.

saturn Interesting Facts
saturn Interesting Facts

Some of the Interesting facts are

1. Saturn is far away from the Sun, but still, we can see it with naked eyes, but if you have a telescope, the fun of seeing it is different because it is a very beautiful planet.

2. Saturn’s moon, i.e. the satellite Titan, is its largest satellite, which is bigger than the planet Mercury.

3. The Saturn planet is also called the Red Demon.

4. Saturn has about 62 satellites, which is the highest after Jupiter.

5 Saturn is present at a distance of about 142 crores 66 lakh 66 thousand 422 km from the Sun.

6 The average surface temperature of Saturn is around -178o C, that’s why life is impossible here.

7. Oddly enough, the diameter of the planet Saturn is 9 times larger than the diameter of our Earth, yet its density is 8 times less than our Earth.

8. Although Saturn has been associated with ancient times, yet in modern times, Saturn was first discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei with the help of his own telescope.

Saturn rings
Saturn rings

9. Saturn is also like Jupiter. Saturn is also made up of hydrogen and helium. Apart from this, like Jupiter, the center of Saturn is also rocky and it is also made of gas.

10. Saturn takes 29.5 years of Earth to revolve around the Sun; it only takes 10 hours 34 minutes to complete the rotation on its axis, which is the lowest after Jupiter.

11. On Saturn, the wind speed is very high and sometimes this speed reaches 1800 km / h.

12. The amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan is very high and methane rain occurs here.

13. In our solar system, there are rings around the planets Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, but the ring of Saturn is the longest and largest, that is why this planet is the most unique planet.

14.So far, spacecraft have been sent to Saturn, which is like this.

A. Pioneer 11 which was sent by the US on 6 April 1973.

B.After this, the Vyjar-1 was sent by the US on 5 September 1977, which gave information about the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s satellite.

C. YZER-2 was sent immediately by the US on 20 August 1977, which arrived on 26 August 1987. This vehicle sent 1150 pictures of Saturn’s satellites.

D.After this, the mission named Cassini was found sent by the US, European Space Agency, and Italy on 13 October 1997. In July 2004, scientists had received a lot of information along with the ring of Saturn in this mission.

15. Saturn is the second-largest planet in the solar system and yet many times larger than Earth, if the planet is placed in the sea, it will not sink but will float because the density of Saturn is much lower than the density of water.

16. On the planet Saturn, there is often a huge amount of storms. In 2004, there was a huge storm on the planet, this storm was named Dragon storm.

Originally published at on December 18, 2020.

